HomeNewsAfter France, Georgia to teach high school students crypto

After France, Georgia to teach high school students crypto

Georgia House of Representatives, The country’s Legislative body has cleared a bill calling for a study program based around financial literacy. And cryptocurrency is on the curriculum list too.

The bill passed the lower chamber by a vote of 169-2. Six Republican candidates sponsored the bill and for further deliberation, the bill has been sent to the state. 16 areas of financial literacy are prioritized in the program which is to be studied by 10th and 11th-grade students.

The bill states,

“The State Board of Education shall prescribe a program of study in personal financial literacy to be completed by students during high school.”

Cryptocurrency is also on that list along with traditional subjects like investing and money management. The module about cryptocurrency is designed to educate students a basic know-how about cryptos in respect to the traditional world. It’ll help students answer questions like “Is Bitcoin the currency of the future?” or “Can Bitcoin replace Euro?”

It may be recalled that , France made amendments to its study plan to include the study of cryptocurrency in June last year. These amendments aim to educate students with the basic knowledge in cryptos. Also, Teachers are required to teach a course (introductory course) about cryptocurrency helping students to understand the impact of BTC on the financial conditions of the country as well as to the global economy.

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