HomeNewsTop cryptocurrency podcasts

Top cryptocurrency podcasts

As many of us know, the blockchain and cryptocurrency space is developing at hyper-speed. Most books are outdated as soon as they hit the shelves, and traditional education is years behind in this space. We know what you’d be thinking now – “how do I keep myself updated with everything around the world of Crypto?” The answer is simple: Listen to podcasts around Bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies.

But with numerous options, how do you know which ones are worth your time? Relax, we have you covered. We’ve curated the best crypto podcasts that you should check out.


Unchained is one of those crypto podcasts shows that has made an impressive run over a short span. Considered as one of the most trusted sources for keeping up with the market movement behind cryptocurrency, Unchained is loved for its super-impressive coverage. Hosted by the first mainstream journalist and a former editor of Forbes Crypto- Laura Shinn, the podcast discusses the regulatory, psychological, and other such aspects of cryptocurrencies.

Unchained features in-depth conversations with some of the best experts and entrepreneurs in the blockchain space. Some of its past guests include the CEO of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, Bitcoin developer Jimmy Song, Monero lead Riccardo Spagni, among dozen others. The podcast stresses upon keeping the information raw and as authentic as possible with the host Shinn asking questions that cater to people of all interests – right from a newbie in the space to someone who’s entrenched in the ecosystem.

Unchained is one of the best resources to help you get to gather your primary education around blockchain and cryptocurrency tech. Highly recommended if you want to learn from the experts. And if you want to get a perspective on the latest happenings in the world of virtual currencies, then you should check out its sister podcast dubbed Unconfirmed.

The Bad Crypto

If you are looking for a way to step into the world of crypto, ‘The Bad Crypto’ might just be the perfect podcast to get you started. Hosted by tech and crypto enthusiasts Travis Wright and Joel Comm, this podcast has everything that beginners need to get started. A show that went live in mid-2017, The Bad Crypto has made its name in the space over time. 

Airing close to 500 podcasts since its launch, the two hosts discuss the subject matter in an informative manner to suit the likes of young minds in the space.


The name ‘Epicenter’ probably needs no introduction if you have been scaling the depths of crypto space since its arrival in 2013. Considered to be the ‘OG’ podcast in the category of tech podcasts, the show has hosted some of the biggest names around in this space. Its successful run as a crypto podcast (which now marks over 7+ years) makes them one of the most trusted sources for the masters of the space. Over the years, the guests on the podcast include Vitalik Buterin, Charlie Shrem, Joe Lubin, and Gavin Andresen among others.

With a cumulative collection of over 400 episodes, exploring in-depth topics around Bitcoin, cryptography, AI, and proof-of-stake, Epicenter releases long-form interviews that are carried over an hour. Released every Thursday, some shows last for over two installments as well. Overall, Epicenter is a show that keeps you updated around the evolving world of crypto and Bitcoin.

What Bitcoin Did

The podcast started back in 2017, and has become a go-to option if you’re a Bitcoin maximalist. Hosted by Peter McCormack, each of the episode goes in-depth in a conversation with a guest about the challenges, opportunities and more for the dominant virtual currency. The discussions also veer towards regulatory issues, and how Bitcoin is miles ahead of other cryptocurrencies.

In case you’re unable to decide from where to begin listening to this podcast, then Beginner’s Guide to Bitcoin would be a good place to start.

Bitcoin Audible

Formerly known as The Cryptonomy, Bitcoin Audible is different from the other podcasts. Instead of sharing the info by the anchor or having a conversation with a guest, the anchor reads out an article that would help one enrich their knowledge in the space. It also initiates the curiosity to learn the basics of cryptocurrency to its listeners. It’s hosted by Guy Swann and has around 500 episodes in total. Over time, the host has also started interviewing the notable people in the space such as Michael Saylor, Phil Bonello, and others.

With an average length of over 60 minutes, this podcast helps you gather all the necessary information you might have missed.

Stephan Livera Podcast

Most of the podcasts mentioned above (and others out there) focus on the consumer / business aspect of the world of digital currencies. But what about technical understanding? Well, that’s where Stephan Livera podcast comes in. With over 250 episodes done in the past two and a half years, the podcast has become quite popular.

Each of the episode goes into the topic in detail and goes to discuss tech too. The podcast has had a number of impressive guests over time, such as Jack Dorsey, Michael Saylor, Jameson Lopp, and more.

Tales from the Crypt

Tales from the Crypt is another popular podcast with a focus on Bitcoin. It’s hosted by Marty Bent who interviews the people in the space about their journey into the world of virtual currencies, their project, and more. Marty Bent is also known for the daily bitcoin newsletter which breaks down the happenings in an easy-to-understand manner.

The podcast also has a series called Rabbit Hole Recap, which helpfully summarizes the major happenings in the fast-paced world of crypto every week.


There are obviously more cryptocurrency podcasts, and here are some honorary mentions:

  1. The Pomp Podcast by Anthony Pompliano: While it’s not a dedicated podcast for cryptocurrencies (though it did start as one with its previous name being Off the Chain), its host Anthony Pompliano is a leading voice in the space. He interviews all sorts of people and discusses blockchain and crypto too.
  2. The Breakdown with NLW Co-produced by Coindesk: If you’re looking for a daily podcast to know what’s happening, then this one is what you’re looking for. It’s hosted by Nathaniel Whittemore and is a short ~20-min podcast to give you an overview of the major happenings.
  3. The Scoop by The Block with Frank Chapparo: It’s a weekly podcast hosted by Frank Chaparro, who’s known to be one of the best journalists in this space. He talks to the people in the space to understand how they’re aiming to revolutionize the world of cryptocurrencies.

We’ve collected the most fascinating podcasts to suit the needs of listeners of every phase of the crypto world. Plug your headphones in and enjoy them. Let us know which one you like the most.

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