Amidst the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, a charity organization named Pray4Ukraine has launched an NFT sale. For this, the organization brought together hundreds of digital artists who’ve created 10,000 NFT art pieces.
Pray4Ukraine team had issued a statement, revealing that they’ve launched the sale of its NFT collection. The collection consists of 9,930 artworks. Moreover, the statement said that all the funds from the sale will go towards the wallet of Come Back Alive.
Come Back Alive is a charitable organization that is working as a “humanitarian frontline since May 2014”.
To ensure transparency, the team of Pray4Ukraine also said that they’ll release financial reports daily via its channels.
Moreover, the team is not limiting itself by launching an NFT sale. Moreover, it’ll keep on using digital art and NFTs in order to fulfill the organization’s broader goal of ending the hostile situation.
The statement detailed:
“Pray4Ukraine’s mission is to show that everyone can help to bring an end to this war and save countless lives in Ukraine. Digital art and NFT offer the crypto community an alternative method for joining a forceful global solidarity movement.”
Many artists who’ve signed up for this NFT sale are not leaving the capital of Ukraine. This is because they believe that they’ll try to envelope all the events happening around themselves through digital art.
One of the artists named Olga from Kyiv, is one of the artists who’ve refused to leave the city. According to her, she’ll “continue to channel her understanding of the enveloping events through digital art.”
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